Tessa Huttenlocher

Tessa Huttenlocher (Photo Credit: Deb Putter Photography)

2016 Cohort

McNeil 331


M.A. Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, 2018

B.A. Sociology, University of Chicago, 2014

Research Interests

Organizations, social stratification, religion, education, the nonprofit sector, qualitative methods, comparative historical methods

Comprehensive Exams:

Social Stratification (Dr. Hyunjoon Park, Dr. Emily Hannum, Dr. Pilar Gonalons-Pons)

Sociology of Organizations (Dr. Benjamin Shestakofsky, Dr. Mary-Hunter McDonnell, Dr. Jerry Jacobs)

Courses Taught

Instructor of Record

  • Introduction to Sociology 
  • Introduction to Methods of Sociological Research

Teaching Assistant

  • Introduction to Methods of Sociological Research
  • Sociology of Media and Popular Culture
  • Introduction to Sociology