Michael Lachanski

Michael Lachanski

Ph.D. Student in Sociology and Demography

216 McNeil

Michael is a second year joint doctoral candidate in demography and sociology. He is interested in the study of long-run policy changes to education, immigration, and crime with an eye to contemporary social problems. He is interested in the application of reproducible methods from data science, transparent computational methods, and modern econometrics to study problems in economic demography and social stratification, broadly considered. Currently, he is studying the single and intergenerational effects of compulsory schooling and the effects of immigration restrictions on specific causes of death. Additionally, Michael is a contributor on a project that aims to understand how individuals in declining occupations navigate the U.S.'s changing occupational structure. He holds an MPA with a focus on economic policy and population and AB in economics both from Princeton University.


MPA, Public Policy, Princeton University, 2020
A.B., Economics, Princeton University, 2015