Kai Feng

Kai Feng

Ph.D. Student in Sociology and Demography

249 McNeil

My name is Kai Feng. I am interested in family change and its causes and implications. My previous projects investigate how higher education affects men and women's marriage patterns differently in China and how the effect of gender inequality on fertility varies across different social contexts. During my doctoral training at the University of Pennsylvania, I plan to continue studying family demography and hope to explore more on the topics of population health, technology, and intergenerational transmission of social dis/advantages. I completed my MA degrees in Demographic and Social Analysis from UC Irvine and in Social Sciences from the University of Chicago. I also hold a BA degree in Journalism from Shenzhen University.


M.A., Social Sciences, University of Chicago, 2018
M.A., Demographic and Social Analysis, University of California, Irvine, 2017
B.A., Journalism, Shenzhen University, 2015